Tuesday 5 June 2018

Mini Reviews Are Dead! Long Live Mini Reviews!

Next Monday (or June 11, 2018, at the time of this writing), will mark the final run of the Wine Mini-Review Round-Up posts in their current incarnation here on 1WineDude.

After that date, the corresponding “broadcast-only” twitter account associated with those reviews, 1WineDudeReview, will no longer be maintained. Mini-reviews will also no longer be posted to the 1WineDude twitter account, LinkedIn, or to the 1WD account on the Book of Face.

I originally began reviewing wines on twitter (and, as far as I’m aware, I might have been the first person to do so) about a decade ago, in an attempt to both a) provide an additional outlet for an increasing number of wine samples and tastings that came my way, and b) have some fun trying to cram something pithy, meaningful, and edu-taining about a wine in 140 characters.

Over the years, it’s become increasingly difficult to maintain those reviews across multiple social media accounts, automate the reproduction of the mini-reviews on to the “traditional” blog format here (hey, twitter: “thanks” for shutting off the RSS feeds years ago… for which you can totally suck my white ass!), and try to keep all of that content within manageable numbers while also providing links to finding those wines for the curious, and dealing with the advent of twitter reducing the fun in the exercise by increasing its update character count.

After all of these years, we are just way overdue for a change-up with respect to all of the above. Like, years overdue, at this point.

Here are how things will look moving forward with respect to the whole Mini-Review thang…

  • A weekly list of short wine reviews (in Mini-Review format) will appear here on 1WD, with more direct and vintage-specific links to where the wines can be found for purchase.
  • Like all 1WD posts, a link to the article will be cross-posted to twitter, FB, etc.; but If you want ’em, you’ll need to come here to get `em!
  • I will finally be posting stuff to Instagram (probably just good old-fashioned wine recommendations, and not formal reviews).

So… hopefully this is all fairly clear, and those of you who are following the reviews at 1WineDudeReview won’t get too pissed-off (if so, refunds for your $0.00 outlay are available at any time).

In any case, there will be similar content, just probably more of it (which means more wines to talk about here!), and with extra wiggle-room on each wine for my bizarre commentary.


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Copyright © 2016. Originally at Mini Reviews Are Dead! Long Live Mini Reviews! from 1WineDude.com
– for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers!
Source: http://www.1winedude.com/mini-reviews-are-dead-long-live-mini-reviews/

source https://meself84.wordpress.com/2018/06/05/mini-reviews-are-dead-long-live-mini-reviews/

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