Thursday 20 September 2018

Matetic 2014 Corralillo Syrah, San Antonio Valley, Chile

Matetic 2014 Corralillo Syrah

Matetic 2014 Corralillo Syrah

I’ve never really cared much about an artist’s life. If their work inspires me, I don’t need to be weighted down with their ideas on religion or politics. I feel the same way about fellow artisans. If another chef or winemaker is making delicious things, I really don’t care if they are a libertarian or a pastafarian. If they produce the goods, then pass the Parmesan.

Would an artist stop using the color blue if it was against his philosophy? It’s a silly question, but for us artisans, it really isn’t. Many of us have beliefs that change how we make things. A carpenter that doesn’t believe in using glue, a chef that believes all food should be local, a winemaker who believes in organic agriculture. The end result may not be changed, but how we get there does.

At the end of the day, people will need to sit on, wear, eat, or drink our creations. If they don’t, we are out of a job. It’s impressive when a winemaker can stick to their philosophy and make great wine. That’s why I love bio-dynamic wines. Be awesome, you bio-dynamic horoscope-believing lunatics.

The Matetic  is an organic-on-steroids bottle of Syrah from a sub-region of Casablanca on the Chilean coast. Aromas of fresh fig and beef jerky kick off the party. Textually, this bottle is dynamic. A full bodied, layered tannins, with an edge of sauvage. Smoked flavors roll into blackberry and a mineral-laced finish. An incredible value.



The post Matetic 2014 Corralillo Syrah, San Antonio Valley, Chile appeared first on Wine School of Philadelphia.



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